SYNERGY Vol. 20 / No. 2 / 2024





Understanding Multilingualism and Sustainable Development. Research Examples from Romania: Olivia-Cristina Rusu

Praxisorientierte Überlegungen zur Förderung der Schlüsselqualifikation wissenschaftliche Textproduktion: Doris Sava

Sprachmittelnde Aktivitäten/Mediation im Fremdsprachenunterricht. Überlegungen aus der Unterrichtspraxis: Maria Parasca

Speaking in English for Medical Purposes - The Teachers' Point of View: Anisoara Pop

Sur l'importance de créer les conditions d'un contact officiel et systématique entre les étudiants inscrits aux programmes de "Langues Modernes Appliquées" et "Année Préparatoire de Langue Roumaine" : Mihai Serban

Pitfalls of Writing for the Media: Appeals to Emotion versus Exaggerated Sensationalism: Antonia Cristiana Enache

Nipping it in the Bud: Exposing the Foundations of #MeToo through the Liberation of Sita: Preeti Shirodkar

Surveying Time: Hannah Duston's Captivity Narrative in the Works of Henry David Thoreau: Iuliu Ratiu & Bettina Ene

Museum(s) of a Global Phenomenon. Historical Monuments of the English Language: Costel Coroban & Costin Valentin Oancea

"Aoleu" - l'interjection identitaire - culturelle roumaine par excellence ? Roxana-Magdalena Barlea

Trade Agreements and Commercial Relations between Ireland and Romania in Documents from the National Archives of Ireland (1930s-1980s): Nicoleta Stanca

Book Review - New Directions in Diaspora Studies. Revisiting the Past, Reviewing the Present and Looking at the Future: Anca-Teodora Serban-Oprescu