SYNERGY Vol. 5 / No. 2 / 2009
Popp, A.
An Understanding of Influence on Human Behavior
Catelly, Y.M.
The Good Language Learners' Know-How
Zografi, M.
Zum Erwerb von interkultureller Kompetenz im Fremdsprachenunterricht
Colibaba, A.C.
Group Cohesion in the English Language Class
Constantinescu-Stefanel, R.
Teaching Presentations
Lacatus, M.
Cooperative Learning Activities and Understanding Real Economy
Condruz-Bacescu, M.
The Link between Corporate Culture and Firm Performance
Serban, R.
De-Centering the Ego: Chimera
Dumitrescu, V.M.
Revisiting Harold Bloom: Reading as Textual Violence
Robu, V.
Hierarchy and Virtues in Patristic Thought
Mihaita, G.
The Taphonomic Project - an Essay
Urs, D.S.
The Deepest Structure of the Sentence
Enache, A.
The Strategy of Counterattacking in Romanian Political Discourse