Author Guidelines
Types of contributions:
Synergy, the Journal of the Department of Modern Languages and Business Communication welcomes contributions on any of the following:
- Articles dealing with theoretical and practical aspects of the study and teaching of languages for specific purposes (LSP), language teaching methodology, linguistics, pragmatics, cultural and literal studies, educational projects and programmes, teacher training and development, as well as other disciplines that are related to these fields.
- Research articles in one of the following interdisciplinary domains:
- Languages for Specific Purposes (LSP) - from Theory to Practice
- Reflections on LSP Teaching
- Projects and Programmes in Education
- Cultural Studies
- Developing Communication Competence
- Developments in Education
- Literary Studies
- Reviews of relevant books
Submission requirements:
Most articles in Synergy are in English or German, but articles in French, Italian or Spanish are also accepted.
Submission of an article implies that it is an original work which has not been published previously or submitted for publication elsewhere. Papers presented at conferences are accepted, provided that they have not been published in conference proceedings.
Structure of article:
When submitting an article please provide the following information:
- Title. Be concise and informative.
- Abstract. An English abstract of 80 - 100 words should be submitted together with the article. It should indicate the scope and purpose of the article and, if applicable, the main results of the study.
- Keywords. A list of 5 - 6 keywords should be placed below the abstract.
- Presentation. Articles should be word-processed in Times New Roman font, size 11, with single-spaced paragraphs. Subtitles should be used in order to emphasize both content and clarity. In general, articles should not be longer than 10 pages.
- Acknowledgement of sources. All information and ideas taken from other sources (books, articles, papers written by colleagues, conference presentations, the Internet) should be acknowledged.
- Quotations. Quotations should be enclosed in double quotation marks. References should include the author's last name, the year of publication, and, if the case, page numbers, as in the following example:
» e.g. According to one approach, politeness is "the means employed to show awareness of another's person's face" (Yule, 1998: 60).
» Longer quotations should be given in italics, in separate paragraphs.
» Generally speaking, references and comments should be incorporated in the text; but, when necessary, footnotes may be used for special comments. - References.References containing all the works referred to in the text should be included at the end of the article, in alphabetical order, following this style:
» Brown, P. and S. Levinson. 1987. Politeness, Cambridge: CUP
» Hofstede, G. 1983. 'National cultures in four dimensions: a research based theory of cultural differences among nations', in International Studies of Management and Organizations, 13 (1-2): 46-74.
» Darley W. and D. Luethge. 2003. 'Cross-cultural communications and promotion', in Ruginbana R. and S. Nwankwo (eds.), Cross-cultural Marketing, London: Thomson Learning: 141-159. - Biographical note. Articles should be accompanied by a brief biographical sketch (maximum 100 words per author), including the author's name, affiliation, highlights of professional experience, and important publications.
- Style. The Editor reserves the right to correct the author’s use of language. The article will almost certainly be edited to some extent. If major changes are necessary, the article will be returned to the author for amending.
N.B. The publishers and the editorial board wish to make it clear that the views expressed in the journal are those of the contributors, and that each contributor is responsible for the data, opinions and statements appearing in the article.
Author Benefits:
Once the article has been published, it will be included in the on-line version of the Journal, for reading and citation.
Authors will receive a print copy of the issue in which their articles appear free of charge.