SYNERGY Vol. 1 / No. 2 / 2005





Catelly, Y.M.
The Teaching of Collocates - Some Proposals

Hollinger, A.
Politeness in Business Letters

Hentes, Z.
Geschaftskorrespondenz als Dialog

Prelipceanu, C.
Figures of Speech in Marketing English

Marin, M.
Teacher-Learner: an Effective Partnership - Teaching from the Learner's Perspective

Codreanu, A.
A. Role of the English Class in Preparing Students to Live in the EU

Constantinescu, L.
Zwischen fachsprachlichem Deutschunterricht und fremdsprachigem Fachunterricht

Enache, M.
Evaluating Communicative Competence

Bardi, M.
Research Methodology in Social Sciences

Chefneux, G., Coposescu, L.
A Theoretical Approach to The "English for the World of Work" Projec

Chefneux, G.
Participants' Evaluation of The "English for the World of Work" Project

Ghiga, G.
Understanding Cultural Values and Norms

Marinescu, R.
Cross-Cultural Aspects of Teaching English for Business Communication

Constantinescu-Stefanel, R.
The Impact of Culture on French and British Business Presentations

Adriana Chiriacescu
Environmental Interests and Issues in British Culture